Autumn Threads has been delivering sewing supplies to creative people Australia wide since 2005. We started our business following a search for decorative overlocking threads that were difficult to find locally. We understand a love of sewing, it improves mental health and can help make a person feel happier.
My sewing journey began with budget-oriented projects born of necessity. I recall spending a lot of time mending - and unpicking. Taking up pants, letting them down, up down, up down. Sewing up boxers, pj’s, track pants, t shirts - thank goodness for overlockers! I loved my overlocker then and I still do.
Today I love the mindfulness of handmade gifts. The repetitive, calming effect of hand sewing, knitting and crocheting allows a shift from everyday concerns to creating something useful and beautiful. It encourages creativity and a little creative time each day can have such a positive influence on our well-being. Just what the doctor ordered – for us all.
Springwood NSW